BLOG DESIGN - Big Thanks to Ugly Club member Graham Schneider for the righteous pixel art! Graham is working on a retro game concept and other radness - have look at his current site where he's sharing his work!

Monday, February 29, 2016

New Stuff

Well, since I took the time to update the blog design, I may as well put some new content in here as well!

Thank you to all who grabbed something during last week's shop drop.  I will start shipping orders this week - completing shipping next week.

I was especially excited to be able to paint a batch of The Galaxy People's DREXYL figures!  What an awesome toy!

Speaking of The Galaxy People (Brian) - he and I will be facing off in the upcoming Clutter Gallery "Battlers" exhibition.  Pretty cool concept for a show - two makers team up - paint one figure each (in our case, we did 2!) - and they are sold as 'Battle Sets.'  Here's the event poster:

Lots of awesome makers/artists in this one.  Be sure to check it out if you can!

Lastly - for those of you who are (A) in Tokyo and (B) actually reading this - I will be at PUMP Craftt Beer Bar this Thursday evening with a bag of new toys for sale.  Impromptu Bar Drop!  I'll probably be over there between 8 and 9 PM on that day.  Not sure what all I'll have, but definitely a couple RAMPAGE x GEEK Atomic Congs (pics will be on Instagram soonish).

Thanks for stopping by the blog!  New sculpts and toys coming this Spring, so I'll start sharing progress soon!  Exciting collabs and dinos and stuff!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

New Kesagake Release - Godzilla Blue

Hey People,

Seldom do I manage to make the time to share this sort of info on the blog, but I think it's about time I make it a habit.

Next Friday I will release a new version of Kesagake via my webshop.  The release will be at 9 AM on Friday, 2/26/2016 (Japan date and time).  This version will be on Godzilla Blue base vinyl, with a paint app that is based on the second release of the HS Gorilla-ju.  I have much respect for Hirota-san and all he's done with his work in sofubi - self production at a level only accomplished by very few people.

Here's the sample paint:

Each figure will come with both male and female Snack Omake (painted as pictured).  Figures will be bagged in mesh bag with separate and edition-marked header card, and bagged and header carded snack omake.  Price will be $300 (plus EMS shipping) - strictly limited to one per household.

The drop will most likely also include a couple one-off figures - small and large.  Please check out the shop next Friday and see if anything sparks your interest.

Thanks for checking in.  And thanks to you all for the recent interest and support!  It's been a busy couple of weeks since I had surgery on my left collar bone - and I'm just starting to feel ok working full days.  It will just get better from here ^_^  Thanks as well for all your patience with any seemingly delayed shipping or order completion - it will all be caught up with soon.

Monday, February 8, 2016

NEW Ultra Kaiju!

Hey Kaiju Collectin' Peoples!

This Friday will see the release of three new colorways in the RAMPAGE ULTRA KAIJU SERIES!

These guys:

Role Call:

Jamira on Green Vinyl

Pigumon on Godzilla Blue (dark blue) Vinyl

Aboras on Orange Vinyl

Price will be $40 each, plus EMS shipping.

These will be available via a limited pre-order in my webshop beginning this coming Friday (2/11/2016) at 10AM Japan time.  Order will remain open until either all pieces are claimed (sold out) or for about a week.  Please note that this will not be an unlimited pre-order.  I already have the vinyl, but have ot been able to paint it yet.

Orders receieved will ship by early April.

The next figure in the series will be Woo.  The mold for Woo has had a delay in completion, so I hope to offer the figure for a normal (non-pre-order) release in April - both on-line at at Superfestival.  Once I receive a test shot of vinyl, I will share with you all!

Also coming up:  Yellow Red King and Orange Pigumon via Medicom (this Spring sometime).

Thanks for checking in. -RT