BLOG DESIGN - Big Thanks to Ugly Club member Graham Schneider for the righteous pixel art! Graham is working on a retro game concept and other radness - have look at his current site where he's sharing his work!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

RAMPAGE KUDASAI! RT mini exhibition at GOMEN-KUDASAI noodle shop (New Paltz, NY)

Hey Hey!

Well, back from DCON, but no sleep for me!

I'm back at it in the paint studio - working through some customs and assorted runs of minis for a couple upcoming events!  Top of the list is my first truly LOCAL outing, in my new hometown - NEW PALTZ, NEW YORK!

I'll be setting up a display at a Japanese Noodle shop this time around.  The owners are Japanese ex-pats who are long time fans of Tokusatsu shows and movies!  Perfect match!  Here's the details - dates, times, location, etc.:

OPENING NIGHT: 12/9/2016 (Friday) - 6-9PM

SHOW DATES: 12/9/2016 - 1/10/2017 (display comes down on 1/11/2017 - GOMEN KUDASAI is closed that day)

LOCATION:  GOMEN-KUDASAI, 232 Main St, New Paltz, NY 12561


I'll have a broad array of goods for this thing; older prints and paintings, a big display of posters and other RAMPAGE STUDIOS (Tokyo) memorabilia, NEW painted runs of RT micros, minis AND some larger customs and things of that sort.

To all you big kids in the Northeast, hope some of you can come out and play!  Get your Japanese food and toy fix, hang out, and even listen to some live tunes (seems the owner has a band playing the same night as well ^_^).

If you are coming in from out of town, there are plenty of options for places to stay here locally, or you could head over to BEACON, NY, and then check out the Artwalk and CLUTTER GALLERY opening on the next day - 12/10/2016!!!  I will also have some stuff over at CLUTTER :-)

Lastly - check out the event listing (right hand navigation bar) - I'm in a number of shows in the coming weeks!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Hey People!

Seems like just yesterday I was out in Pasadena with Justin Hillgrove for DCON 2015 - but a whole friggin year has gone by!  WOWZA!

This year I'll be back at it.  This time around I'll be at BOOTH 933 with my Buddy TRU:TEK (Nial Anderson).  We will be going halvsies on a table/booth - likely in a very 'Japanese Toy Festival Kinda Way' (no whistles and bells - just figures on the table!).

So, I've had my nose to the grindstone for the past couple weeks - trying to get stuff done enough to be worth the trip (for you guys and me!).  I think I've gotten together a decent bundle of goodies; big small and in between; painted blank and such.  I'm trying to do a few things for Sunday release, rather than just putting it all out from the start, but I might change the plan.  Best just to come on by and see what's there.

Some general guidelines for a fun trip to booth 933:

1) Price and perfunctory release plan is below.  

2) Sales by TRU:TEK will be handled separately from my own sales.  You will have to check with Niall about his sales, and you will have to check out separately if you are buying from both of us.

3) Cash sales get priority.  If you are in line, and you don't have cash, it might be possible to do Paypal later on - but not if there are folks waiting.  If there is a line, I won't hold items while you either get cash or wait to use Paypal later.  Cash is King!  (Note: any sales done at a time when I do accept Paypal payment will include an additional 5% fee).

4) I am not coming with a massive amount of goods.  Please respect that everyone might like to buy something.  Purchase limits will be as follows:

***Saturday:  Persons with normal badges may buy 2 large items and small items (one of each) to their liking.  Persons with vendor badges may only buy 1 large item and small items (one of each) to their liking.  Anybody wishing to buy additional items is asked to check back in a bit later; after the show is rolling along a bit, and everyone has had their chance.

***Sunday:  1 of each available item for anybody interested.

*****There will be no lottery or number draw or anything of that sort.  I'm bringing production work for interested collectors to buy.  If you are a flipper, well, you suck - but I'm not reacting to this call to police people's buying habits. If people are excited, and they come out to grab some of my work, and I can go home with less than I arrived with, I will be appreciative and happy to come back next year - end of story.

5) Please don't complain to me if you don't score what you are after.  Perhaps find someone with the figure and offer a trade - you know - be social and stuff!  (^_^)b


-Hawaii Revenge Kesagake (with Necromancer Omake): $300 each
-RAMPAGE x GEEK Skull Minotaur (these things are BIG and come with an AXE!): $300 each
-HAG DX (Final release run): $200 each
-Alien X (Micro run on bright pink vinyl): $200 each
-RAMPAGE x KONATSU Tank Cats (Micro Negora riding a tank!): $20 each
-RAMPAGE x Grumble Toy Tiny Tuff (with blue jeans attire!): $10 each
-DCON 2016 Colorway Ugly Unicorn: $40 each
-DCON 2016 Colorway Uglier Unicorn: $40 each
-DCON 2016 Colorway Ugly Onicorn (with holographic sticker and Konatsu designed header): $50 each

-Blank Red Revenge Kesagake (with 4 figure omake set): $300 each
-Blank Tiny Tuff Tank Riders (RT x GT): $10 each
-Blank Milky vinyl Uglier Unicorns: $30 each
-RAMPAGE paint RT x Gravy Morel Black: $60 each
-BRODAR FEST (maybe - TBD)
-Remaining Saturday Releases
-Maybe more: TBD

-There will be a release of RT paint Gargamel figures (1-offs - just 2) and Kiyoka Ikeda paint RAMPAGE figure - AT THE GARGAMEL BOOTH (909).  Day and Pricing TBD on Friday.  I'll post on Instagram with an update.

-I will be available throughout the con to discuss commission (paint) work.  I may be able to accept a few figures for completion in the coming months.

That should be all!  Looking forward to seeing you all out there!
