BLOG DESIGN - Big Thanks to Ugly Club member Graham Schneider for the righteous pixel art! Graham is working on a retro game concept and other radness - have look at his current site where he's sharing his work!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Welcome and T-SHIRTS

Hello Fans of Toys!

A couple of quick items to get this blog rolling.

1)On facebook??? Check out the Fans of RAMPAGE TOYS group!!! Join and post. That will be one of the other outlets for RAMPAGE TOY's dominion.

2)T-Shirts will be available soon. They will resemble "team jerseys" - just softer and cheaper and WAY COOLER. The design is at the top of this post, and RAMPAGE TOYS will be in bold font accross the top reverse of the shirt.
More to come - and a lot more pictures!