As I prepare to leave for a short vacation, I'm scrambling to get things in order for when I return! There's A LOT happening in March - my birthday ranking pretty high for me personally :-P
But, seriously, I'm very excited to announce the second art and toy event here at RAMPAGE STUDIOS in Tokyo - MECHAVIRUS!

Mechavirus, Todd Robertson, will be sending over a whole bundle of awesome customs for a show here in Mid march. Here are the details:
-Mechavirus customs on sofubi from the following makers: RAMPAGE TOYS, Uamou, Blobpus, Frenzy, Pico Pico, Maxtoy Co.
-RAMPAGE painted Amonite Micro Run!
-Show opens Friday March 15th
- Party and sales start at 7PM.
-Open from 3/16-3/22 (the following Friday). Hours: Sat/Sun.-11am-4pm; Closed Monday; Tues.-Fri.-2pm-7pm.
-On-line sales will commence after 17th in the RAMPAGE on-line shop。
If you are in the Tokyo area, come check it out!