So, things are moving right along here - still getting acclimated to the life of a 'very-little-japanese-speaking-foreigner-living-in-Japan'... :-) But it's all good! I've got my little studio all up and running, and I've been having loads of fun with my new Airbrush! I'm also trying to get in the swing of using some gouache paints - very cool stuff - very unique painting experience!
Anyway, as most who are reading this undoubtly are aware, New York Comic Con is just arround the corner! There is going to be sooo much amazing stuff in the Javitz Center this year!'s a shame I can't make the trip. BUT, I did mail a nice little box to my good friend Benny (Tenacious Toys), and inside of that box is a bundle of painted toys! The UGLY UNICORN will make its first stateside con debut in two locations and in two (or more ;-) ) separate forms:
1)Tenacious Toys (Benny) will host a run of 10 Ugly Unicorns in booth 876 (along with Toy2R). These guys have clear blue and metallic blue spray over top of clear vinyl! Super Fun to paint, and Great fun to photograph too! These will come with some signed and editioned screen prints for the header cards. $42 each - first come first serve - ONLY 1 PER PERSON!

2)Lulubell Toys (Luke) will host a run of 5 Ugly Unicorns in booth 589. These guys have bright blue hair and some sleepy eyes over top of bright yellow vinyl, and they alse come bagged with editioned screen printed header cards! $42 each - first come first serve - ONLY 1 PER PERSON!
In additon to the 2 mini-runs of UGLY, you might just find a custom one-off Ugly and one of the elusive crystal clear Ugly Unicorns (...I suggest looking at the Tenacious Toys Booth ;-). Benny will also have some other RAMPAGE TOYS goodies mixed in with his stuff, so have a look-see!
There is also something in the works for an on-line release - maybe DURRING NYCC? If you are on the Ugly Unicorn mailing list, you'll be the first to hear the details, so feel free to shoot me an e-mail ( to be added!
Next up - customs and Fall/Halloween! And then, in November, is Design Festa at the Tokyo Big Site (Odaiba)! I'll be there with Datadub - and a bundle of Ugly Unicorns, paintings, and the like!
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