This week sees the release of two most excellent runs of toys - both of which are collaborations that I've been excited about for some time!
1) RAMPAGE x Blurble "Pretty Ugly Unicorns"! Mike (Blurble) painted up a sweet little run of Ugly Unicorns last week. He's releaseing them in his on-line shop this Thursday at 12 noon PST. They were painted using all sorts of color change and metallic paints from Monster Kolor! I, personally cann't wait to get my hands on one.

Here are pics on Blurble's Flickr:
And Blurble's BigCartel:
2) RAMPAGE x Splurrt "Guardian Daemon Cadaver Kids"!!! SOOO Psyched for this batch of vinyl! I'm still working on these dudes, but here's the info:
What: Run of 10 Cadaver Kids - painted with a brain-melting araay of sprays and brush-work. I'll have these done by Wednesday (Japan Time).
When: Releasing in my BigCartel on Friday morning (Japan time - which will be night time on Thursday in the states) Teaser!

Next week will see yet another really exciting release! Stay Tuned!