Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Time for a bit of merry making!  See you all in 2017!!!


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

RAMPAGE KUDASAI! RT mini exhibition at GOMEN-KUDASAI noodle shop (New Paltz, NY)

Hey Hey!

Well, back from DCON, but no sleep for me!

I'm back at it in the paint studio - working through some customs and assorted runs of minis for a couple upcoming events!  Top of the list is my first truly LOCAL outing, in my new hometown - NEW PALTZ, NEW YORK!

I'll be setting up a display at a Japanese Noodle shop this time around.  The owners are Japanese ex-pats who are long time fans of Tokusatsu shows and movies!  Perfect match!  Here's the details - dates, times, location, etc.:

OPENING NIGHT: 12/9/2016 (Friday) - 6-9PM

SHOW DATES: 12/9/2016 - 1/10/2017 (display comes down on 1/11/2017 - GOMEN KUDASAI is closed that day)

LOCATION:  GOMEN-KUDASAI, 232 Main St, New Paltz, NY 12561


I'll have a broad array of goods for this thing; older prints and paintings, a big display of posters and other RAMPAGE STUDIOS (Tokyo) memorabilia, NEW painted runs of RT micros, minis AND some larger customs and things of that sort.

To all you big kids in the Northeast, hope some of you can come out and play!  Get your Japanese food and toy fix, hang out, and even listen to some live tunes (seems the owner has a band playing the same night as well ^_^).

If you are coming in from out of town, there are plenty of options for places to stay here locally, or you could head over to BEACON, NY, and then check out the Artwalk and CLUTTER GALLERY opening on the next day - 12/10/2016!!!  I will also have some stuff over at CLUTTER :-)

Lastly - check out the event listing (right hand navigation bar) - I'm in a number of shows in the coming weeks!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Hey People!

Seems like just yesterday I was out in Pasadena with Justin Hillgrove for DCON 2015 - but a whole friggin year has gone by!  WOWZA!

This year I'll be back at it.  This time around I'll be at BOOTH 933 with my Buddy TRU:TEK (Nial Anderson).  We will be going halvsies on a table/booth - likely in a very 'Japanese Toy Festival Kinda Way' (no whistles and bells - just figures on the table!).

So, I've had my nose to the grindstone for the past couple weeks - trying to get stuff done enough to be worth the trip (for you guys and me!).  I think I've gotten together a decent bundle of goodies; big small and in between; painted blank and such.  I'm trying to do a few things for Sunday release, rather than just putting it all out from the start, but I might change the plan.  Best just to come on by and see what's there.

Some general guidelines for a fun trip to booth 933:

1) Price and perfunctory release plan is below.  

2) Sales by TRU:TEK will be handled separately from my own sales.  You will have to check with Niall about his sales, and you will have to check out separately if you are buying from both of us.

3) Cash sales get priority.  If you are in line, and you don't have cash, it might be possible to do Paypal later on - but not if there are folks waiting.  If there is a line, I won't hold items while you either get cash or wait to use Paypal later.  Cash is King!  (Note: any sales done at a time when I do accept Paypal payment will include an additional 5% fee).

4) I am not coming with a massive amount of goods.  Please respect that everyone might like to buy something.  Purchase limits will be as follows:

***Saturday:  Persons with normal badges may buy 2 large items and small items (one of each) to their liking.  Persons with vendor badges may only buy 1 large item and small items (one of each) to their liking.  Anybody wishing to buy additional items is asked to check back in a bit later; after the show is rolling along a bit, and everyone has had their chance.

***Sunday:  1 of each available item for anybody interested.

*****There will be no lottery or number draw or anything of that sort.  I'm bringing production work for interested collectors to buy.  If you are a flipper, well, you suck - but I'm not reacting to this call to police people's buying habits. If people are excited, and they come out to grab some of my work, and I can go home with less than I arrived with, I will be appreciative and happy to come back next year - end of story.

5) Please don't complain to me if you don't score what you are after.  Perhaps find someone with the figure and offer a trade - you know - be social and stuff!  (^_^)b


-Hawaii Revenge Kesagake (with Necromancer Omake): $300 each
-RAMPAGE x GEEK Skull Minotaur (these things are BIG and come with an AXE!): $300 each
-HAG DX (Final release run): $200 each
-Alien X (Micro run on bright pink vinyl): $200 each
-RAMPAGE x KONATSU Tank Cats (Micro Negora riding a tank!): $20 each
-RAMPAGE x Grumble Toy Tiny Tuff (with blue jeans attire!): $10 each
-DCON 2016 Colorway Ugly Unicorn: $40 each
-DCON 2016 Colorway Uglier Unicorn: $40 each
-DCON 2016 Colorway Ugly Onicorn (with holographic sticker and Konatsu designed header): $50 each

-Blank Red Revenge Kesagake (with 4 figure omake set): $300 each
-Blank Tiny Tuff Tank Riders (RT x GT): $10 each
-Blank Milky vinyl Uglier Unicorns: $30 each
-RAMPAGE paint RT x Gravy Morel Black: $60 each
-BRODAR FEST (maybe - TBD)
-Remaining Saturday Releases
-Maybe more: TBD

-There will be a release of RT paint Gargamel figures (1-offs - just 2) and Kiyoka Ikeda paint RAMPAGE figure - AT THE GARGAMEL BOOTH (909).  Day and Pricing TBD on Friday.  I'll post on Instagram with an update.

-I will be available throughout the con to discuss commission (paint) work.  I may be able to accept a few figures for completion in the coming months.

That should be all!  Looking forward to seeing you all out there!


Thursday, October 20, 2016


Hey People!

The RAMPAGE webshop will re-open tomorrow (Friday, 10/21/2016) at 10PM EST (New York Time).

NYCC leftovers as well as a few other items will be up at that time.

Still trying to figure out the best way to sort out shipping costs.  This USPS jazz is all new to me.  I'll have to talk to a couple other US based makers and see how they run that show.  In the meantime, your patience is super appreciated!


Tuesday, October 4, 2016



Here are a couple rad flyers put together by a couple rad cats:

Above By Walter Parenton!  IV4E!
<-- -="" aka="" bobbybeast="" boygraphics="" creative="" from="" genius="" iv="" p="" parenton="" walter="">

Above by TRU:TEK!
<-- anderson="" awesome="" engaland="" ever="" from="" iall="" ol="" p="" the="" tru:tek="">

So, below is a list of what I'll have there and pricing.  Items in the Tenacious Case (from Thursday Start time!) are sold via Benny of Tenacious Toys - and he takes dem plastic card thangies.  Items I will sell on Saturday will be cash and carry folks - I'm just getting back to the U.S.A. on Thursday night - no time to set up that card reader jazz.  In any case, all items will be sold at the TENACIOUS TOYS BOOTH - Booth # 309.  Here's the skinny:

Tenacious Toys Exclusives (Available from Thursday):

-ROTTEN X: $150 each
-Ugly Onicorn (Blue Devil Colorway): $45 each
-Clear Blue Cyclops Dinos (sets of 3): $40/set
-Asssorted painted micro dudes: $8-10 each
-Bunny Bear Sets (4 colors of clear vinyl in a baggy with header): $20/set

RAMPAGE-FES - SATURDAY!  10AM 'till 11:30AM  (They call it a 'signing' - but I doubt anyone wants a signature!):

-Hawaii Kesagake (with 2 omake tropical villlager snack pack): $220 each
-RAMPAGE x GRAVY mix-n-match FUN! (build your own set): $65/set
-RT x GRAVY x Science Patrol Tank Heads: $60 each (you'll see)
-GNAW X: $160 each
-Alien Hunter X: $160 each
-Bones Hag DX Micro Run: $250 each
-Fall colors WINTER NIBBLER: Painted $20 each, Blank $15 each
-FINAL Lab Mice Release (marbled vinyl blank set of 3 ugly little dudes): $40/set
-Clear glittery blue Snack Pack sets (2 villagers - kaibutsu snacks): $30/set (painted)
-T-shirts: $25 each

PLUS assorted SUFES stragglers and studio clean-out goodies and maybe a custom or two in the mix!  Surely I've forgotten something in these lists...

Some guidelines:  
#1) No purchasing two of any of the big guys - spread the fun people.  Number of items per person yet to be determined 
#2) Please don't be an ass or complain about not getting a toy or other stuff like that.  Please.  This should be fun, no?
#3) Gifts of pizza and beer are always appreciated
#4) Introduce yourself!  I'm moving to the area, and would love to meet you guys who are there!
Remaining items will go up in the online shop at a time TBD.  Patience young and old Padewans!

Psyched!  See you guys out there!


Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Hey People!

Well, the time has come - January 2013 saw the beginning of something that has been an amazing experience in my life - the opening of RAMPAGE STUDIOS!  Since then the studio has hosted  so so many amazing events and so so so many amazing figure artists and designers.  It has been an honor to be involved in the Tokyo Figure and Sofubi scene the way I have, and it's with no regrets and loads of excitement about the future that I announce this weekend's last and final event at the studio:  THE RAMPAGE STUDIOS FINALE!!!

The show will feature RAMPAGE painted releases and 1-off handaints on RAMPAGE figures and figures from tons of people who I have had the pleasure of working with over the years. there will also be a RAMPAGE x GRUMBLE TOY mini exhibition and some Secretoy Handpaints. Collaborating artists and figures to be featured include:

RAMPAGE TOYS (that's me!)
Paul Kaiju
The Galaxy People
Grumble Toy
Bwana Spoons
Science Patrol
Violence Toy

Maybe a few secrets and other goodies if I can swing it!

Show will happen at RAMPAGE STUDIOS (address on side bar of the blog --->).  Opens at 7PM - at which time entrance for special invitation and limited ticket entrance will begin.

Ticket price (per person) is $20 - payable via Paypal only.

Tickets are available from now via email request.  Tickets will allow attendees entrance for a 30 minute period - time slots to be available starting at 7PM and ending at 9PM.  Show will close at 9:30(ish).  In order to request a ticket, please send an email to and include:

1) FULL NAME (ONLY the person purchasing the ticket may enter - bring photo ID)

2) A Photograph of your RAMPAGE TOYS collection (those with none need not apply)

I will accept emails until tomorrow (Thursday 9/22) morning, at which time any further emails will be discarded.  Not all requests will result in a ticket being available as they are very limited.  I will email you with info about payment once I check your email and tally the available slots remaining.

Complicated?  Yeah, a  bit.  This event is for collectors and fans - not for you flipper dummies and smelly ojisans - to whom I say: stay home with your anime girl pillows and cheap shochu.


これから RAMPAGE STUDIOS FINALE のチケット発売始まりです!


1)フールネーム (チケット買う方しか入れないよ!会場時にIDをチェックします)


メール貰いましたらんで、チケットまだ残りましたら、支払いの知らせをメールでおしえます~ PAYPALだけでいけるよ。

よろしく! -RT

Friday, August 12, 2016




国内外で精力的に活動を続けるRAMPAGE TOYSがクラフトビアバーのPUMP CRAFT BEER BARにてクラフトビールとPAMPAGE TOYSソフビのイベント「RAMPAGE TOYS SOFUBI SALOON」を開催! ここではRAMPAGE TOYS製のソフビはもちろん、LEOそふび坊やの「Taboo」やSKULL HEAD BUTT、GRAVY TOYSなどをRAMPAGE TOYSが彩色したカスタムなどを発売予定! ちなみにクラフトビールとは小規模の自主独立生産ビールのことらしいけど詳しくは各自調査! 暑い夏の夜をクラフトビールとソフビで楽しもう!   


●会場:PUMP CRAFT BEER BAR 〒171-0032 東京都豊島区南池袋3-8-3

上のテクストはSOFVI.TOKYOのイシザカさんのテクストです! イシザカさんありがとうね!

Monday, August 1, 2016


To begin, a huge thank you to all who came out for the KONATSU at RAMPAGE STUDIOS event!  An insane amount of people showed up!  WOWZA!

And, in today's RAMPAGE news:  another event at PUMP Craft Beer Bar is coming right up!  Event info is on Facebook, here, and here is the poster:

Loads planned for this - including new figures being released for the first time!  Please keep your eyes peeled on Instagram (and sometimes the FB event page) for updates as I get things assembled and painted ^_^



Thursday, July 21, 2016



今日の KONATSU at RAMPAGE STUDIOS のいべんとの知らせですーッ!

今日のエントリーを LUCKY DRAW でやります! チケットを18時から渡します!




This is important information about today's event at RAMPAGE STUDIOS!

Entry order will be decided by doing a LUCKY DRAW!  Tickets will be handed out starting at 6PM, and the random number on each ticket will determine the entry order!

Please don't waste your day standing outside the studio for hours - it won't necessarily get you a better number!

Thank You!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Well, it's been a full trip here in good ol' America - lots of fun, family and planning for the future!

BUT - soon it's time to head back to Tokyo for the Summer, and there is A LOT to look forward to!

First and foremost, and this is going to be MEGA - Japanese artist and figure designer KONATSU will be at RAMPAGE STUDIOS for a 3-day event!  This is going to be a good one folks.  The show will feature original Konatsu artwork, Konatsu customs (of her own figures as well as RAMPAGE sofubi), RAMPAGE customs (all sorts!) AND the release of the RAMPAGE x KONATSUYA UGLY ONICORN SOFUBI and a few other new figures as well!  Craziness will ensue I am sure, and if you are in Tokyo you will not want to miss it.

This event will take place on the same weekend as the upcoming Wonderfestival, so there may be need to limit entry as the space is not large.  This will be decided prior to opening each day of the event.

Konatsu is currently working on adding text to the poster design for this shindig, but here's the image without text - which is mind-blowingly awesome!

Here are the details (in English, and then in Japanese):


DATES: 7/22-7/24/2016

OPENING NIGHT: 7/22 (Friday) From 7PM.  Numbered tickets will be distributed from 6PM (please don't expect them before that time)

WEEKEND OPEN HOURS: 7/32 and 7/24 from 12 noon until 5PM

LOCATION:  RAMPAGE STUDIOS, 3-14-9 Zoshigaya, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171-0032

オープニングナイト:  7月22日,19時から (チケット, 18時から)
週末のオープン時間:   7月23日と24日,12時から17時まで
会場:   ランペイジスタジオズ、〒171-0032 豊島区東京都3丁目14-9雑司が谷

See you there!!!


Saturday, June 25, 2016


First of all, a huge thank you to all who grabbed one of the new Woo figures and/or a set of the new RAMPAGE x GRAVY Brodar figures - Morel Black and Paleo Don!  Woo has sold out (yay, thank you all!), and I have put in the request for the GID casts of Morel and Don.  Those who ordered can expect shipping to happen before the end of August ^_^

Second, and it's nutty to already have this news to share - there are MORE new dudes on the way - and in the production time-line just in time to make their debut appearance at RAMPAGE STUDIOS in July!  Actually, this is a whopper of a news blast now that I think of it - so have a seat and have a read and  then rejoice with me!

First of all, it's been a while in the making, but RAMPAGE and GRUMBLE TOY have finally teamed up on a production project!  GRUMBLE Chris sent me a teeny tiny version of his mega cute Chubby Tough, and the molds and some vinyl are now waiting for me in Tokyo!  Check out this adorable fellah, who I'm dubbing 'Tiny Tough':

There will also be a teeny tiny tank (even smaller than the existing RAMPAGE tiny tank) that this little cat can board for maximum (albeit tiny) destruction!  Hopefully I'll get some test shots in hand in the next couple of weeks - so I can play a bit and share some more pictures (keep and eye on Instagram!).

Next up - and this has happened so amazingly quickly - I'm super excited to reveal a project that is pretty big-time and downright awesome-sauce:  The RAMPAGE x KONATSUYA Ugly Onicorn!

Here's the new mold:

and here's the toy (test shots)!

I haven't gotten these in hand yet unfortunately.  The timing of my current adventure in good ol' America and an unfortunate box going astray has meant that I won't be able to hold and truly get a grasp on the awesomeness of these figures (or the Tiny Toughs) until July 2nd.

But, here's the story on these (in bulleted form for max info in min verbage):

*Based on the original RAMPAGE Ugly Unicorn

*Redesigned (illustrated) by KONATSU  ('Oni' translated to devil or demon - this is a Japanese 'Oni' stryled version of the Ugly Unicorn)

*Sculpted by TTToy in Tokyo

*Produced in superior awesome quality Japanese sofubi in Tokyo


Yep - Konatsu will be back at RAMPAGE STUDIOS for a second time - this time for an opening night event and Saturday/Sunday exhibition.  The show will feature Konatsu and RAMPAGE painted figures, new releases (The above new figures) and artwork by the amazingly talented illustrator, KONATSU-SAN!

So, that's a lot of info, and all super exciting to share!  Thanks for reading, and thanks again to all for your continued interest and support!


Saturday, June 4, 2016


Hey People!

Well, with the announcement of the big upcoming move all out of the way, it's time to move on to some new stuff!  There are a couple projects that have been LONG in the works that I am finally ready to offer up for sale, and both will be in the RAMPAGE webshop for pre-order (August shipment) this coming Saturday, 6/11, at 8PM EST (as I am on the East Coast of the USA ^_^).

So, here's the new stuff - YAY!

1) RAMPAGE TOYS x GRAVY TOYS (Bwana Spoons!) -the newest SONS of BRODAR - Paleo Don and Morel Black!!!  Blank GID 2-figure sets available for open pre-order!  Pre-order will begin on 6/11 at 8PM (EST) and will run until 6/19.  This will be an unlimited pre-order for these (pictured as flesh test shots):

Each figure is 7 parts with a 2 part club omake!  The majority of the joints on these guys are interchangeable with the joints on the other figures in the Sons of Brodar Series.  Loads of fun!  The club bits on the clubs can also be changed out for any of the parts that fit as hands/fists!

Design and sculpt work on these duders was done collaboratively and/or separately (varies part by part) by myself and Bwana.  Production (wax, etc.) was handled by me at RAMPAGE studios in Tokyo.

Morel Black, designed by BWANA, comes armed with Stone Club and 3-BARREL DEATHRAY HAND!  Paleo Don, designed by RAMPAGE (that's me!), comes armed with engraved skull stone club of doom (!) and 3 faced VOLCANO MOUNTAIN LAVA GUN!  Both figures are dressed to kill in a most dapper suit and bow-tie.  Classy!

Each 2-figure set, cast in GID sofubi and coming bagged with (yet non-existent) header cards, will be $95 (plus EMS shipping cost - from Japan).  Production, assembly and shipping is slated for completion by the end of August.

Also on offer next Saturday:


After a series of delays, and then a batch of bad timing, it's FINALLY time to release this wintry kaiju into the wild!  Just in time for Summer :-P

This is the newest addition to the RAMPAGE TOYS x MARMIT Ultra Kaiju Series.  Sofubi Figure measures roughly 5 inches in height, with articulation at the head and arms.  Also comes with a tiny tiny (smaller than 1 inch) YUKI-CHAN omake!  Seemed due-time that this figure came with its proper companion character ^_^

These will be $45 (plus EMS shipping from Japan) each.  This will be a limited pre-order.  As with the Morel Black and Paleo Don order, all Woo orders will also be assembled, painted (as shown in the above photographs) and shipped before the end of August.

Thanks for checking the blog!  -RT

Sunday, May 29, 2016


Hey People,

So, those of you who read the blog and/or follow me on instagram (etc.) will undoubtedly know that I have been based in Tokyo (Japan) for the past 5-ish years.  The first year was a wild experiment in living in the boonies and regularly commuting hundreds of miles to Tokyo for events.  The next 4 years, up until now, saw all sorts of awesome, as I opened RAMPAGE STUDIOS, took on the responsibility of self production, and occasionally managing production for friends and close collaborators.  I can't imagine ever having accomplished what I have without the opportunities provided by actually living in the mother-land of Sofubi; 30 minute access to the mold makers, direct phone calls to all production facilities, purchasing paint and other necessary supplies at local storefronts and face-to-face communication with every person who does this sort of work for a living in Japan.  Top all this off with the incredibly unique space that I was able to rent and use as RAMPAGE STUDIOS, and it all adds up to a dream-like happy-land without limits for progress in the field of Japan-based toy production.

I am endlessly thankful for all the opportunity afforded to me while living in Japan - and in Tokyo in particular.  I also realize how fortunate I have been to have the long-term acceptance and support of the vast majority of Japanese collectors and creators - something I attribute to my willingness to learn the Japanese language and communicate with Sofubi enthusiasts and makers in their own tongue.  

OK, so, yeah - I'm moving back to America - specifically to the Northeast (NY area-ish).

It's hard to explain the many reasons for such a move, but it's basis is the fact that I had never intended to be abroad for much more than one year.  And now it has been five!

RAMPAGE will continue to produce Sofubi at the same feverish pace, and with the same focus on quality and the same materials.  I have every confidence in the connections and support system I have established in Japan, so I'm not stressed about the transition - though it might result in a momentary slow-down.

Honestly, I am very excited for this move.  The timing for actually departing Japan is based roughly on my attendance of New York Comic Con in October.  I'm over-the-moon excited for Fall in the northeast; pumpkin patches (and pumpkin beer!), apple orchards, and perfect weather for rock climbing and mountain biking with friends I have seldom seen in the past 5 years.  I also look forward to getting involved in the art scene in the New York area, and hope to meet a bunch of people at NYCC and the Clutter Gallery, and hopefully elsewhere as well!

I'd like to wrap up this announcement with this:  Thank you to my incredibly (unfathomably incredibly) supportive and awesome wife for being there over the past 5 years - always supporting me to push and develop my work to the point it has now reached.  

So, that's the news.  Thanks for reading and thanks for all of your support.  Stay tuned for new toy news and updates on the move!


Thursday, May 12, 2016


Hey Guys!

Just some info about a couple releases via MEDICOM TOY.  These guys:

Kesagake is now available via web-pre-order, which you can grab here:

The Ultra Dudes were sold via the Medicom Shop storefront in Shibuya.

Tonight is 'Kaiju vs. Modular' in Ropppongi.  I'll be at booth K1 with Leo Sofubi Buoya and Yoda-san.  Then, tomorrow and Sunday is Design Festa!  I'll be there both days at Booth B-142.  I'm bringing oodles of cute - including a couple new release figures and also some ugly stuff :-P  Gachapon and Dinos will be in abundance!  Come on by and hang out!

Saturday, April 9, 2016



Next Sunday (4/17/2016) I'll be hosting an event with my buddy Datadub (Figlab/Fig-X) here at RAMPAGE STUDIOS!  There will be an assortment of Figlab colorway releases, and maybe some surprise stuff.   This will be the first time in ages that I've held any sort of event/opening on a Sunday here in the space, so please come by and hang out and see what's up!

Here's a booty-leg flyer I whiped up in a few minutes :-P

I'll also have a bit of a yard sale going on that day - house supplies and the like ^_^
The following week I'm taking part in the POP BOX event at the Shibuya Loft location here in Tokyo!  This will be the first time I've been involved in this event - yay!  I'm trying to prepare a selection of cute and ugly stuff , some t-shirts and stickers, and a gachapon machine full of goodies!  It runs for 2 weeks - so be sure to swing by if you're around!
Then, on the following Sunday (4/24/2016) it's Superfestival!  I'll be sharing a booth space with Datadub and The Galaxy People - AND Bwana Spoons will be around as well!  Should be a good time!  I'll try and work up a good selection of customs and a few this's and that's - all to be uploaded to Instagram as they get done.
Is there more?  Of course!!!  After Sufes I think I'll be doing something at the Dai Kaiju Salon in Nakano!  No clue exactly what yet - but something!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Hey People!

Lots of events coming up!  Crazy amounts!

This weekend I'll be in Osaka - next Monday at the SOFUBI BANPAKU organized by Yamomark and JUNGLE!  Come by if you are around!

Next up - I've sent a custom HAG DX to Australia for the Soft Vinyl Garden Event.  Should be an amazing show for those of you Down Under!

Then there's SUFES, The Mandarake Suriose (sp?) event, and DESIGN FESTA - which will be preceded by this cool event in Ropppongi (Tokyo) that combines tunes, libations and SOFUBI!  KAIJU vs MODULAR!  Wowza!

I've got a few new molds in the works now, and am hoping to slowly leak these new dudes out over the next couple of months!  Keep your eyes peeled for BWANA x RAMPAGE (GRAVY!), NEW DINOS and other goodies as well!


Sunday, March 6, 2016


OK - here we go!

Contest time!  Time to have a bit of fun with your RAMPAGE TOYS!  This contest will be judged by me and the public, and will award those who get creative.  None of the standard 're-post this silly picture a million times' garbage, and none of the 'you have to follow me' garbage.  Just have fun.

RAMPAGE TOYS' Instagram Contest Rules:

-To enter you must post a photo of your favorite RAMPAGE TOYS figure OR an ORIGINAL illustration (drawing, painting, etc.) of your favorite RAMPAGE TOYS character.

-You must tag me in the photo: JMRAMPAGE

-Please include the following hashtags and mentions along with your post (copy and paste the following text to avoid typos and whatnot): #rampagetoys  #rampagetoyscontest @jmrampage

-Please post your image to Instagram by 3/31/2016

-I will choose my 10 favorite images from all posted images, then I will repost the images to my own feed.

-3 winners will be chosen based on the number of likes that each photo receives.  So, I will not be the final judge of the 10 chosen images, but rather my followers will be!

-Prizes will be shipped to the three winners.  They will be good prizes, but I'm keeping them secret in order to avoid any sort of 'hype based participation.'  This is for fun people - have fun!

-You may share info about the contest, but if you simply repost my post - well - you lose!

Hope to see some fun pictures!  Thanks in advance to all who participate!

NEW T-shirts Coming Up!

Hello Hello!

Toys are great and all, but occasionally it's fun to take a break from sculpting and painting, and sit down with good old paper and ink for a bit of drawing.

A couple weeks ago I had the itch to finally create a new design for some RAMPAGE TOYS t-shirts!  I got out a big sheet of the old cotton fiber paper and a few different drawing implements and stayed up WAY to late drawing and inking a design that, ultimately, I'm pretty psyched about.  Here's the design:

I've gotten in touch with a local printer here in Tokyo - a friend of mine who's business has been in his family for a couple generations.  He's currently getting the screen prepped to get these shirts rolling.

I will open up pre-orders (projected April shipping) for these shirts this coming Thursday (3/10).  There will be 4 different color-variants available - hopefully something for everyone!

Pleas have a look in the shop this coming Thursday.  Shirts will be up for pre-order for about 2 weeks.

In other news - random time and date shop-drop coming up this week - a few this and thats (hint - drop will be on my birthday!).  Also - all orders that are currently waiting on shipment will be on their way in the next 3 days!  Thanks for all your patience!

Monday, February 29, 2016

New Stuff

Well, since I took the time to update the blog design, I may as well put some new content in here as well!

Thank you to all who grabbed something during last week's shop drop.  I will start shipping orders this week - completing shipping next week.

I was especially excited to be able to paint a batch of The Galaxy People's DREXYL figures!  What an awesome toy!

Speaking of The Galaxy People (Brian) - he and I will be facing off in the upcoming Clutter Gallery "Battlers" exhibition.  Pretty cool concept for a show - two makers team up - paint one figure each (in our case, we did 2!) - and they are sold as 'Battle Sets.'  Here's the event poster:

Lots of awesome makers/artists in this one.  Be sure to check it out if you can!

Lastly - for those of you who are (A) in Tokyo and (B) actually reading this - I will be at PUMP Craftt Beer Bar this Thursday evening with a bag of new toys for sale.  Impromptu Bar Drop!  I'll probably be over there between 8 and 9 PM on that day.  Not sure what all I'll have, but definitely a couple RAMPAGE x GEEK Atomic Congs (pics will be on Instagram soonish).

Thanks for stopping by the blog!  New sculpts and toys coming this Spring, so I'll start sharing progress soon!  Exciting collabs and dinos and stuff!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

New Kesagake Release - Godzilla Blue

Hey People,

Seldom do I manage to make the time to share this sort of info on the blog, but I think it's about time I make it a habit.

Next Friday I will release a new version of Kesagake via my webshop.  The release will be at 9 AM on Friday, 2/26/2016 (Japan date and time).  This version will be on Godzilla Blue base vinyl, with a paint app that is based on the second release of the HS Gorilla-ju.  I have much respect for Hirota-san and all he's done with his work in sofubi - self production at a level only accomplished by very few people.

Here's the sample paint:

Each figure will come with both male and female Snack Omake (painted as pictured).  Figures will be bagged in mesh bag with separate and edition-marked header card, and bagged and header carded snack omake.  Price will be $300 (plus EMS shipping) - strictly limited to one per household.

The drop will most likely also include a couple one-off figures - small and large.  Please check out the shop next Friday and see if anything sparks your interest.

Thanks for checking in.  And thanks to you all for the recent interest and support!  It's been a busy couple of weeks since I had surgery on my left collar bone - and I'm just starting to feel ok working full days.  It will just get better from here ^_^  Thanks as well for all your patience with any seemingly delayed shipping or order completion - it will all be caught up with soon.

Monday, February 8, 2016

NEW Ultra Kaiju!

Hey Kaiju Collectin' Peoples!

This Friday will see the release of three new colorways in the RAMPAGE ULTRA KAIJU SERIES!

These guys:

Role Call:

Jamira on Green Vinyl

Pigumon on Godzilla Blue (dark blue) Vinyl

Aboras on Orange Vinyl

Price will be $40 each, plus EMS shipping.

These will be available via a limited pre-order in my webshop beginning this coming Friday (2/11/2016) at 10AM Japan time.  Order will remain open until either all pieces are claimed (sold out) or for about a week.  Please note that this will not be an unlimited pre-order.  I already have the vinyl, but have ot been able to paint it yet.

Orders receieved will ship by early April.

The next figure in the series will be Woo.  The mold for Woo has had a delay in completion, so I hope to offer the figure for a normal (non-pre-order) release in April - both on-line at at Superfestival.  Once I receive a test shot of vinyl, I will share with you all!

Also coming up:  Yellow Red King and Orange Pigumon via Medicom (this Spring sometime).

Thanks for checking in. -RT

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Super Excited for this upcoming show (Opens next Friday - 1.29.2016) at FEWMANY in the Marui Annex Building in Shinjuku - TOKYO!

OODLES of goodies in store - for example:

-Custom Revenge Kesagake (as yet to be determined super ultra special versions!)
-Micro run of the OG Kesagake
-Tons of painted and Blank micros (and Gacha Gacha) - including UNICORN TANKS!
-Painted and blank Dinos - both the older dudes and newer ones!
-Asssorted ccustom-ness
-RAMPAGE x KONATSUYA Dai-Negora micro-run
-Asssorted other stuff


-All sorts of retrospective-esque header art, event posters and that sort of cool stuff to cover the space's walls!  Will feature art by Walter Parenton, Joseph Harmon, Justin Hillgrove, Art Junkie, and, of course - ME!

I'm going to try and be in the space in the evening on opening night - maybe with some stuff in hand.  I'll also be in on Saturday, 1.30, for a while - I think!  Details on when I'll be there will be shared via Instagram and Facebook.  If things sell out, I'll try and get more in, but WONFES is the weekend after this gig opens, so, um, yeah- I'll try!

See you there!